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Trailer of the Week: Maggie

By Cameron Cubbison · March 27, 2015



We can already hear the uproar for an “Aww-nold” film getting Trailer of the Week. But guess what? It has a good tone. Arnold actually looks passable as a humanized Midwesterner. And how can you not like Abigail Breslin?

It is a first outing for everyone involved behind the camera. First time feature director Henry Hobson is taking on a first time screenplay penned by John Scott 3. So, fingers are crossed there. But hey, let them swing for the fences.

The trailer is nicely cut and the story is a unique one in the overcrowded sea of Zombie films: a father-daughter story. Arnold’s best roles are when he plays protector so we are eager to see that mentality paired with the love a father has for his daughter.

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