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5 Reasons ‘Gone Girl’ is Worth the Hype

By Jameson Brown · October 4, 2014

Incubating the release of Fincher’s Gone Girl, there has been hype towered up that’s top teeters on the line of the juxtaposition of Flynn’s novel with the onscreen adaptation. But the question still remains: does the material as a screen story work? In short, yes, it does. So how does the film successfully function in motion? These five observations will answer that question. 


5. Flynn as a Screenwriter

A lot of the time, novelists turned screenwriters are a troublesome combination. These two mediums could not be more different. As one relies on detailed internalization, the other must rely on what can only be seen and heard to convey motive and development. To see Flynn take her passion project and successfully bring it to screen is refreshing to see, as she has created a stand alone piece of cinema. 


4. Fincher-esque Source Material

Fincher is a natural born director, one whose vision is keen on capturing underbellies of everyday life. The stuff we’re nervous to talk about is what he enjoys breaking out onscreen and making us observe as witnesses. Gone Girl’s baseline story, tone and characters are a perfect match for Fincher’s world.


3. Relevant Timing

Right now there’s a multitude of real life domestic issues surfacing that are spawning heated debates about relationships. This story delves deep into this issue’s psyche and breaks it open like a frog in high school Biology class. Obviously, it is dramatized for cinematic flare, with the media coming into focus as a punishing dreg; but it still has audience members whispering as they leave the theater. 


2. The Year of Black Comedy

2014/2015 will be a return to some of the darkest humor we have seen. Between Gone Girl, Birdman and the upcoming Inherent Vice, the year is starting to boast some seriously scary laughs. But ones that work. And ones that entrench nebulous comedy in unique storylines.


1. Impeccable Casting

The strongest point of this film hands down is the casting. If thought about, the film has a rather offbeat cast sheet, but once viewed, one that works on the creepiest and funniest of levels. Between Tyler Perry’s well-timed comedic relief and Neil Patrick Harris’ subtle, but bizarre portrayal of Desi, each role is handled with the utmost meticulous care.