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TSL 360

passion for screenwriting

Why Passion is Essential to Your Screenwriting Career

| Blogs, Filmmaking, Screenwriting, Screenwriting 101, TSL 360 | No Comments
So you want to be a screenwriter? That's great. Screenwriting is a fantastic career. Not only is the industry constantly…

6 Secrets to Nailing Your Netflix Pitch

| Filmmaking, Screenwriting 101, TSL 360 | No Comments
So you want to pitch your TV show to Netflix?! That’s great, but let’s be honest, it’s extremely challenging to…

The Best Screenplay Competitions and Resources with Success Stories

| Filmmaking, Screenwriting 101, TSL 360 | No Comments
It can feel like a longshot when submitting to screenwriting competitions, especially if you live outside of a major film…

Spoiler Alert! Why Our Brains Love Plot Twists

| Blogs, Filmmaking, Screenwriting 101, TSL 360 | No Comments
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back… The Usual Suspects… The Sixth Sense… Se7en… Psycho… Oldboy… The Prestige… The Game… Memento……


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{% for competition in results %}




Next Deadline: {{competition.next_deadline}}
Final Deadline: {{competition.final_deadline}}

{% endfor %}