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Unconventional Love: The Strangest Movie Couples

By Ken Miyamoto from ScreenCraft · February 12, 2024

Unconventional Love: The Strangest Movie Couples That Defy the Odds

We’re used to seeing romantic comedies and dramatic romances introduce two kindred souls that are supposed to be together. But in some movies, we get onscreen couples that are, well, weird. And by weird, we mean creative, surprising, and unconventional. In this script collection, we want to have a little fun and embrace the weird aspects of some onscreen movie couples.

For this fun context, the term “weird” encompasses a dual meaning:

  1. It can denote an unearthly or supernatural strangeness between the bond of two characters.
  2. It can also stress fun and interesting peculiarity or oddness, emphasizing a departure from the conventional or expected in creative and positive ways. 

These are the strangest movie couples that we don’t see or couldn’t have even imagined, be it through characters connecting from different fantastical realms, different platforms, or other fun, entertaining, and creative combinations. No matter how weird a pairing may be, love is, again, universal.

With all of that said, here we go! Let’s get weird. 

Read More: The Good Genre Guide: Rom-Coms

Scripts from this Article

King Kong (2005) — King Kong and Ann Darrow

Whether it’s the 1933 classic, the 1976 remake, or the 2005 modern reimagining, there’s always been a little strangeness on the screen whenever Kong sees Ann.

The notion that a giant ape would fall in love with a human woman a fraction of his size—let alone from a different species—is laughable at first glance. Yet, somehow, it works. We don’t get why. We don’t want to imagine what life would be like if Kong got his way and was allowed to stay with Ann. But the story of the beauty that killed the beast still resonates. No matter how weird it is.

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Lars and the Real Girl (2007) — Lars and Bianca

We go from an ape loving a woman to a man loving a sex doll. While this story could have certainly gone the route of a Farrelly Brothers farce, it’s an endearing story about a man dealing with avoidance behaviors brought on by childhood trauma and loss. The story gets stranger and stranger as a local doctor concludes that Lars’s new “girlfriend,” Bianca, must be embraced by the family and by the townsfolk as a whole—all to help Lars (Ryan Gosling) get through his trauma and social avoidance issues. 

Lars and Bianca are one of the strangest movie couples we’ve seen on the screen. But it works because of the deeper meanings of their relationship.    

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South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) — Saddam Hussein and Satan

As if this list wasn’t weird enough already, here is a story featuring a relationship between Satan (voiced by Trey Parker) and Saddam Hussein (voiced by Matt Stone). Let us explain. 

In the film, Saddam Hussein is portrayed as Satan’s abusive and controlling partner. Satan struggles with his feelings for Saddam Hussein and eventually realizes that he deserves to be in a healthy and loving relationship. The portrayal of their relationship in the movie is a satirical commentary on various themes, including the nature of evil and toxic relationships. Themes and satire aside, it’s a brilliantly weird coupling. 

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Big (1988) — Josh and Susan

Okay, let’s take it down a notch (sort of). We all know the iconic story: a boy named Josh (David Moscow) wishes to be big (as in older). His wish comes true. He retreats to the city to live in hiding until he can figure out a way to reverse his wish. But he discovers he needs to find a way to make a living.

Long story short, Josh (now played by Tom Hanks) gets a job and meets a girl, Susan (Elizabeth Perkins). Well, he meets a grown woman. They meet cute and eventually fall for each other. They even have sex. Sounds innocent enough, right? It is until she learns he’s a twelve-year-old boy stuck in a man’s body. And it gets even weirder when she drops him off at his childhood home, only to glance in the mirror and see that he’s finally reversed his wish. He’s a twelve-year-old child in oversized clothes that she recently deflowered. Is that weird enough for you? Yet, again, it is somehow sweet. It works.  

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Her (2013) — Samantha and Theodore

Here we go back to a socially awkward guy. Maybe not as socially inept as Lars from Lars and the Real Girl, but enough for him to fall in love with the AI of a new operating system named Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson). That voice is enough reason to excuse the odd relationship that develops. 

Thankfully, Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) isn’t the only one to do this. It’s become a slowly growing trend of the near-future times. He takes her to the beach. They laugh the night away. They even manage to have sex. Beyond the fact that she is an operating system, it’s a pretty sweet and endearing relationship while it lasts. But weird nonetheless.   

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Read More: 5 Plot Point Breakdown: Her (2013)

Edward Scissorhands (1990) — Kim and Edward

An inventor creates an artificial man, Edward (Johnny Depp), and gives him temporary scissors for his hands until he can craft proper artificial ones.

Unfortunately, the inventor dies, leaving poor Edward all alone. Peg (Dianne Wiest) stumbles upon him and takes him home with her. Kim (Winona Ryder), a popular high school girl with a bully of a boyfriend (Anthony Michael Hall), comes home one night and finds Edward in her bed.

Eventually, Edward and Kim fall in love. When things go bad and misunderstandings happen, Kim does all she can to help him. It’s a sweet and innocent story about love defying all social boundaries. But in the end, it’s a present-day Frankenstein monster with scissors for hands who falls for a local high school girl, kills her jealous boyfriend, and is never seen again beyond the snow he creates by making ice sculptures high above the town. That’s not weird, is it?

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Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) — Jessica and Roger Rabbit

We all know the story of the bombshell beauty who chooses the funny-looking weakling as her husband. It is a story as old as life itself. But what if that funny-looking weakling was a rabbit? Better yet, what if he was a cartoon character? And even better, what if she was a cartoon character as well? 

Yes, every young boy and father who watched this movie continues, to this day, to deny that Jessica (voice by Kathleen Turner) was pretty darn attractive. Or maybe they express the sentiment with eerie pride. Regardless, they’re cartoons. But in a world where cartoon characters can interact with humans, who is to judge? 

We hilariously always question why Jessica is with Roger (voiced by Charles Fleischer). Jessica answers, “He makes me laugh.” That answer is as good as any. Good for you, Jessica. 

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The Shape of Water (2017) — Elisa and the Amphibian Man

We could have included Tom Hanks as Allen and Daryl Hannah as Madison (the mermaid) in Splash on this list, right? A man falls in love with a fish—er—mermaid. However, she has magically transformed into a walking, talking, and air-breathing young woman. What’s not to fall for? 

But let’s shift focus back to Elisa (Sally Hawkins) and, yes, the Amphibian Man (Doug Jones). This couple falls for each other and eventually has interspecies intercourse. But the Amphibian Man doesn’t turn into a handsome human. No, he’s always an aquatic creature that looks like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Forget the engaging and somewhat mesmerizing fantasy story. They’re one of the strangest movie couples, right?  

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Howard the Duck (1986) — Howard and Beverly

It’s safe to say that we may have saved the best—or weirdest—for last.

Let’s be honest. It’s a weird movie with a weird plot, and it’s a weird relationship between Howard (voiced by Chip Zien) and Beverly (Lea Thompson). And it’s really weird to see Howard the Duck get “excited.” They are definitely one of the strangest movie couples on this list.

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